{fits and giggles} let's try this again...

Ahem... i was planning on having some day each month/everyotherweek that i would have a "giggles and fits," but with all of my school hectic stuff going on, i just turned out to be a random day. :)

*Christmas decorations - they make me incredibly happy.
*Christmas music....hmmm...i am starting a theme here...
*Cinnamon tea ~ SO good.
*The random red wool scarf that i found in our linen closet and that i ADORE!!! {for FREEEEEEEEEE????}
*Conversations with God....ya know, the kind where we both talk to each other. It's amazing.
*Meeting a new friend. :)
*White Christmas as a family. :D
*Current happy video: the Christmas CanCan.

*ice cream that went sour. ugggh.
*seeing a relative in rebellion against God.
*the fact that i continue to say, "I can't believe it's November!!!" {although it will soon be: "I can't believe it's December!"}
*homemade mayonnaise..kids, don't try this at home.

Blessings!! K'tch <3


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